Dimension CenterLLC
awakening, healing, development, performance
The principles of The Dimension Approach underlie all conscious awakening, imaginal
journeying, subtle energetic healing, psychotherapy, structural bodywork, and performance
enhancement modalities. When understood in the context of these modalities, the Dimension
Approach provides a framework for tracking how one is focusing one’s conscious attention while working in these fields.
Integration with other Modalities
The Dimension Approach is not a spiritual teaching, nor a psychotherapeutic methodology, nor a
type of therapeutic bodywork. It is more of a treatise on some of the principles that underlie each
of these. The idea here is that each person is, moment to moment, consciously attending to
various dimensions of experience and not to others. The hallmark of the Dimension Approach is
learning to discern conscious attending from mere ego perception and learning to discern
different types of conscious attending. Learning to do this is an awakening experience in itself. In
that way, the Dimension Approach is an awakening practice. Applying conscious attention
empowers one to more consciously pursue one’s aims, whatever those aims may be.
Consciousness as Intentional
In nondual approaches to consciousness the focus tends to be on release from the dualistic tensions of the psyche and a subsequent grounding in and realization of non-dualistic experience. There is less focus, in recent times, on consciousness as an entity, consciousness as knowledge, and/or consciousness as intentional. There is even less focus on consciousness as healer, developer, and/or performance enhancer. In contemporary society the human intellect sits atop the pyramid, doling out its perceptions as truths. Therefore consciousness as ‘higher power’ conflicts with the postmodern view of individual life as free from the constraints of higher powers and preset structures. In the name of personal freedom the individual intellect makes judgements, often absolute in scope, about self and society. This conflict, or better put, conflation between the conscious mind and the ego mind is at the heart of mind-body, mental-emotional, psycho-spiritual conflicts in today’s individual psyche.
Consciousness is not the process of thinking, nor is it limited to awareness of thinking. Consciousness has an illuminative function that is not restricted to spatialization or temporalization. It is not a mere counterpart to objects and appearances; rather, it is an an active agent with regulatory functions. When orienting attention from consciousness one is able to allow the true relationship between the body, mind, and soul.
Conscious Attending
To consciously attend is to be. To be consciousness is to be oneself. Consciousness is itself and noother. Mysterious to our minds, consciousness illuminates the universe and reveals itself in infiniteforms. Existing as souls with minds and bodies, we wait in awe and fear as we become what we werein the first place. We are egos with lives and purposes. We are individuals with families and lovedones. We live by the light that shines lovingly, as we make our way through dark chasms. Asindividual manifestations of consciousness we differentiate into selves who embody minds. Weseparate our attention from consciousness and lose our way into dark recesses of our own creation.Yet consciousness is always there. However dark the experience, access to truth and light remains.The ego mind is blinded by colors, enraptured by experience, and naive in its understanding as ourconscious minds create our adventure. To consciously attend is to see with the soul. To look with theeye that is the vehicle of truth. To consciously attend is to know that which the ego mind never will,and to allow it to be so.
Effects of conscious attending
Specific modes of attention are applied to specific dimensions of the psyche in order to facilitate specific types of change in the mind and body.
Conscious attending provides:
-conscious witnessing provides: present observance
-conscious holding provides: empathic support
-conscious containment provides: supportive coherence
-conscious mirroring provides: validating reflection
-conscious contact provides: conscious relating
Conscious attending facilitates:
-conscious witnessing facilitates: awareness
-conscious holding facilitates: allowing
-conscious containment facilitates: cohesion
-conscious mirroring facilitates: disidentification
-conscious contact facilitates: relation
Conscious attending causes
-consciously witnessing causes the ability to consciously hold it
-which makes it an object in your awareness, instead of it being subject
-consciously holding it leads to the ability to consciously contain it
-which makes it limited instead of infinite
-consciously containing it leads to the ability to consciously mirror it
-which locates a sense of personal self in the midst of it
Modes of Conscious Attending
The Dimension Approach is a holistic approach that integrates conscious intuitive exploration with an understanding of consciousness and its structures. The methodology involves the practice of focusing conscious attention in five specific ways. These five ways are witnessing, holding, containing, mirroring, and contact.
To consciously witness is to be one with the other. To listen intently while knowing you already understand. To witness is to be with that which you see, and to leave it as it is, untouched by the force of your ego will, yet sanctified by the grace of your gaze. When witnessing happens, God is presencing himself. The witnessing happens through us.
We all become the witness now and then. When an event occurs that stirs in us awe, reverence, sacredness. Our experience shifts, something opens to a world, a dimension, that presences itself here, now. We are moved by such experiences, suddenly put in our place. This presence that appears is not foreign to us, but rather remembered. It is brought back from its absence, yet there is a knowing it has been here all along.
To consciously hold is to create space in which the dance of life is free to occur. To join with that which you are aware of. To support its existence, however temporary or permanent, however superficial or deep, however profane or sacred. To hold is to feel. To feel it as it is, untouched by the judgements of your ego mind, yet suffered as though it was yours.
We all hold that which we love. That which we accept. That which we want. We embrace it and join with it. Our experience becomes it, and it becomes us. We sacrifice our separateness, our safe distance, and become vulnerable to that which the other is vulnerable to. This is deep relating. It closes the distance between that which we call self and that which we call other.
To consciously contain is to cradle experience in the power of conscious organization. To allow intuitive wisdom to bring focus and coherence. To allow the soul to parent the ego and situate it in its proper environment. To contain is to be responsible to the limitations and specificity of the dimension at hand.
We contain when we care. We show up in a way that cautions, confronts, yet empowers.
Containment provides boundaries and organizes our experience into pieces of the whole. This way the mind learns perspective and horizon, composition and clarity.
To consciously mirror is to honor the self. To reflect that which is experiencing. To bring the world and whatever it is presenting back to the creative source from which it is arising. Mirroring shows one what one already knows but has not yet become. What one feels but has not yet integrated into itself.
We mirror when we know ourselves from our experience. We mirror when we acknowledge our relationship with life, other, world. Mirroring brings us back to ourselves. Back to each other. The sacred mirror that is the eye of God shines light into the mind, and becomes itself.
To consciously contact is to celebrate the journey. To acknowledge the other while knowing it is self. The secret that took so much suffering to discover, is shared between two hearts, two minds, two bodies. Belief becomes knowing. Knowing becomes innate wisdom.
We contact when we reveal ourselves to each other. When we see that the other is in no way a threat to who or what we are. Rather a dear companion who is along for the ride, with no idea of where it is going.
Evolutionary Change
Conscious attending causes evolutionary change. Evolutionary change results in awakening, healing, development, and enhanced performance.
Ontologic: realization
Imaginal: transmutation
Subtle: transition
Mental: disidentification
Physical: transformation
Awakening, Healing, Development, Performance
Transformation, disidentification, transmutation, and realization are essential with regard to the
goals of performance, growth, healing, and awakening.
-realization of consciousness and its various structures as ontology
-recognition of ego perception and its various structures as phenomenology
-reconnection to conscious structures
-reorganization of distortions in ego structures
-disidentification with existing ego structures
-organization of new ego structures
-development of appropriate structures for intended actions
-initiation of appropriate structure for intended action